After each webinar the following questions were asked, however we didnt have time to address them:

  1. Do you think the police chief would join the conversation?
    1. We’ve reached out multiple times, and are doing our best to get Chief Payne to sit or speak on the panel. 
  2. The only topic that I request specifically is activism intersectionality; how does one marshal one’s emotional/financial/physical resources when one deeply cares about multiple different injustices? It is difficult to care about so many things when so much is wrong, and I think a lot of people get paralyzed by guilt and do nothing as a result.
  3. I’d like to hear a “list” of things white people do that may be unconsciously making POC uncomfortable. I think we are all aware of what the outwardly racist are doing to make POC feel unsafe, judged etc…but I know there are things well meaning people can learn. More advice similar to understanding that “Hey man, I don’t see your color, I just see you.” I know white people who say that are meaning in their head to say “I like you. I’m for you. I feel we are friends.” I also now understand that can sound like “I don’t want to know about your blackness. I don’t want to take the time to understand why your skin color IS you. Can we sweep all of that under the rug and have a surface relationship?”
  4. As a white person…what can I do to help end racism?
  5. Systemic and institutional racism
  6. What each would like to see done in our community that can help ASAP.
  7. As a person in between gen Z and millennials, social media plays a huge role in communication political and social views. How can we best utilize social media platforms to support the black community and initiate conversation with those outside of it?