Future proofing your workforce:

the role of data & technology in modern staffing

Future Proof Your Workforce:

Recruitment in the 21st century has undergone a profound transformation, largely thanks to technology. Hiring managers no longer need to sift through resume piles manually or conduct extensive interviews. Today, technology has permeated every aspect of recruitment, from sourcing and screening candidates to conducting interviews and onboarding.

In this article, we’ll explore technology’s role in recruitment and shed light on how it has streamlined and enhanced the entire process and how you can future-proof your hiring process.

How Technology is Streamlining Recruitment Processes 

Recruitment has become a highly competitive and data-driven field, allowing us to make informed decisions, boost efficiency, and provide great candidate experience.

1. Candidate Sourcing

In the pre-digital era, job postings were mainly limited to local newspapers and bulletin boards. The pool of potential candidates was restricted, making finding the right fit for a role challenging. Today, technology has expanded the reach of job postings globally. Online job boards, company websites, and social media platforms have become powerful tools for attracting talent.

In fact, Zety 2023 HR statistics show that 79% of job seekers are likely to use social media in their job search.¹ But it’s not just that. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has also made it possible for companies to use predictive algorithms to identify passive job seekers who might not even be actively looking for new opportunities.

2. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ATS has become a staple in modern recruitment. These systems allow recruiters to efficiently collect, organize, and manage resumes and applications. ATS software can screen candidates based on predefined criteria, making the initial screening process much faster.

However, the issue with this system is that it might contain biases that can inadvertently screen out potentially qualified candidates if not thoroughly reviewed.

3. Video Interview and Virtual Assessments

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual assessments. Video interviews enable candidates and employers to connect without geographical constraints. Tools like Zoom, Skype, or dedicated interview platforms offer a convenient way to evaluate candidates without needing in-person meetings.

Virtual assessments, on the other hand, like Codity, HackerRank, and Pymetrics are used to test specific skills or knowledge, allowing employers to make more informed decisions about a candidate’s suitability for a role.

4. Machine Learning and AI in Recruitment

According to Zippa, 65% of recruiters currently use AI in their recruitment process, and another 67% say it has improved the hiring process. While it’s true that these technologies can eliminate unconscious bias and analyze vast amounts of data to predict which candidates are most likely to succeed in a particular role—and the likes of chatbots and virtual assistants can engage with candidates, answer their questions, and even conduct preliminary interviews, ultimately saving time for human recruiters.

However, in the same study, about 26% of recruiters believe that AI recruitment could hurt the HR industry because it could overlook unique and unconventional talents.²

5. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

CRM systems have moved beyond their traditional use in sales and marketing to become valuable tools in recruitment. They allow organizations to maintain ongoing relationships with potential candidates, even if they are not an immediate fit for a job.

CRM systems like Salesforce, Workable, Jobvite, and more can send personalized messages, job alerts, and other relevant content to keep candidates engaged, turning them into a talent pool that can be tapped into for future opportunities.

6. Background Checks and Reference Verifications

Technology also transformed the background check and reference verification process. Online databases and verification services like HireRight and GoodHire make confirming a candidate’s credentials and history easier and faster. This not only improves the recruitment process’s accuracy but also helps to weed out fraudulent applications.

7. Onboarding and Employee Management

Once a candidate has been selected and hired, technology plays a vital role in onboarding and employee management. Digital onboarding platforms help new hires complete paperwork, access training materials, and acclimate to their new roles. Moreover, HR management systems simplify payroll, benefits administration, and performance evaluations, providing a seamless employee experience.

AI by the stats


of recruiters who already us

AI in the hiring process


Of recruiters who say AI has greatly

assisted in the hiring process

Social Media

79% of job seekers are likely to use Social Media in their search


More and more job seekers are using help from AI in their job search

Future-proofing your hiring process: Best practices of integrating recruitment technology.. 

Here are strategies to future-proof your recruitment process:

1. Embrace AI and Automation with a Human Touch

It has been said many times that AI won’t replace humans, but the people using AI will replace those who don’t. In a time when technology is revolutionizing virtually everything, it’s essential to hop on the moving bandwagon, enhance your hiring effort, and save both time and money.

As we navigate the future of recruitment, it’s evident that technology will play an increasingly prominent role. However, where does that leave humans?

Many still argue that human involvement in HR is very much needed. According to the Pew Research Center’s Report on Americans’ Views on the Use of AI in Hiring, a large majority of candidates, approximately 72%, oppose artificial intelligence in making final hiring decisions.³

This leaves us at a crossroads. While automation will make recruitment much easier, the need for human judgment is paramount. A blend of AI and the human touch will form the foundation for a more efficient and compassionate approach to the recruitment process.

2. Leverage Data-Driven Decision Making

Data analytics also plays a critical role in enhancing your recruitment strategy. By adopting a data-driven approach, you can make informed decisions based on tangible insights. Tracking and analyzing key metrics, such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and the quality of hires, enables you to identify areas for improvement.

Moreover, predictive analytics can help forecast your hiring needs by leveraging historical data and market trends. This proactive approach ensures that your organization is prepared to meet evolving workforce demands and make better-informed recruitment decisions.

3. Make Continuous Learning a Part of Your DNA

Staying current with evolving technology and industry trends is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. Attend conferences, webinars, and training sessions to acquire new skills and knowledge. Experiment with and improve upon innovative tools and techniques.

Fostering a culture of continuous improvement helps you and your team stay current and become more adaptable and responsive to the ever-shifting dynamics of the recruitment landscape. This proactive approach positions you at the forefront of the field, ready to navigate the winds of change with confidence and agility.

4. Invest in Employer Branding

An appealing employer brand can significantly impact your ability to attract top talent and streamline talent acquisition efforts. To create a compelling narrative, it’s essential to highlight your company culture, values, and growth opportunities.

You can leverage social media and employee testimonials to showcase your workplace and engage potential candidates more effectively. With a robust employer brand in place, you can reduce the time and effort necessary to identify suitable candidates, as your organization’s reputation magnetizes a larger pool of individuals to your doorstep.

5. Retouch Compensation and Benefit Packages

The rise of remote work and the desire for flexible work arrangements have reshaped the recruitment landscape. Offering remote or flexible work options can provide access to a broader talent pool and cater to the changing preferences of the workforce.

These options can significantly increase your job opening’s attractiveness and reduce geographical limitations, allowing you to tap into talent from various locations and backgrounds.

6. Assess Soft Skills Too

With AI and automation’s proliferation, there’s an increased demand for soft skills such as creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. It’s essential to develop methods to assess these skills during candidate screening.

Behavioral interviews, situational judgment tests, or case studies can be effective tools for evaluating a candidate’s soft skills, ensuring that you choose candidates based on technical abilities and their capacity to work well within your organization.

Did you know?

We’ve discussed how to improve your hiring process using recruitment technology. But we’ve not talked about how you can completely alleviate the hiring burden, freeing up your time to concentrate on other vital business activities.

Whether you’re aiming to diversify your workforce or searching for candidates with specific skills, certifications, or educational backgrounds, Mixed Staffing and Recruitment is here to assist you in filling positions spanning from professional roles to skilled labor to light industry. We’ll handle all the heavy lifting so you can sit back and breathe easily. Get in touch with us today to discover how we can help!

Article References

1 Krolikowska-Baum, Paulina. “2023 HR Statistics: Job Search, Hiring, Recruiting & Interviews” Zety, 29 September 2023, https://zety.com/blog/hr-statistics

2 Flynn, Jack. “15+ AI recruitment statistics [2023]: Hiring trends, facts, and data.” Zippia, 16 May 2023, https://www.zippia.com/employer/ai-recruitment-statistics/

3 Rainie, Lee. Anderson, Monica. McClain, Colleen. Vogels, Emily, and Gelles-Watnick, Risa.”Americans’ views on use of AI in hiring” Pew Research Center, 20 April, 2023, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2023/04/20/americans-views-on-use-of-ai-in-hiring/